Thursday, September 4, 2014

Gods, Heroes, and Villains in OKC: Fall Road Trip 2014

 "Achilles Receiving the Ambassadors of Agamemnon" (1801) by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
Feel like visiting an art museum in Paris, but haven't got the scratch?  Want to travel back to Elizabethan England to watch a Shakespearean blood bath but your time machine is on the fritz?

Well, have we got a deal for you.

Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth
So far, forty-five Honorables are planning to make the OKC Trip next Friday, September 12th. Once there, we'll check out the “Gods and Heroes: Masterpieces from the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris" exhibit currently on display at the OKC Museum of Art.

Click here for a preview.

To learn more about the OKCMOA permanent collection, click here.

When the museum closes, we're walking to dinner and then to the Botanical Gardens to watch an OKC Shakespeare in the Park performance of Macbeth.

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